Monday, February 17, 2020

Object and Data Modelling Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Object and Data Modelling - Assignment Example The participants accessing the system, who can be either the diver or the customer, are both required to register on the system or sign up with their personal information. Personal information comprises of the names, sex, the users year of birth, mobile number, and email addresses of the system end users. The system is divided into a driver and client subsystem that categorically showcase the attributes and features required by the system. The registration details for sign up process are mandatory in order to allow automatic validation of the end user. The end users are expected to input additional information to support the subsequent data required for completing the sub-functions of the system. The sub-functions of the system simply include and extend other higher functions or authority within the system (SHOVAL 2007). For example getting registered on the system extends to being validated by the system. Including other use cases helps to reduce duplication of system functionalities for each user, therefore, describing other detailed parts of the system in the use case makes it easy to understand the hierarchy of actors (system end users) in the car sharing system as well. An activity diagram relatively represents the flow of information within the system showing and illustrating the sequence of activities. The conditions for the information for each activity can also be described within an activity diagram. In the case of the Car sharing system, the activity diagrams that are presented include that of the Registration and Payment process. The activity diagram shows the start and stop process for each particular activity. Designing an activity diagram requires the coordination of execution of sub-functions using a control and data flow model. The activity diagram developed and created in this particular case invokes other activities via a level of hierarchy that executes and resolves particular functions (GEORGE 2007). For

Monday, February 3, 2020

Supernaturalist View Found in Civilizations Essay

Supernaturalist View Found in Civilizations - Essay Example Believers of supernaturalism argue that any event that goes beyond scientific understanding does actually exist just as the same way as natural occurrences do. This view can be supported by the fact that natural phenomena such as rainbows, lightning and floods were interpreted in ancient times as having some kind of unearthly causes behind them. Another school of thought believes that each so-called supernatural phenomenon is explicable through the knowledge of science. Now the root of controversy surrounding these two conflicting beliefs lies in the fact that there is no universally accepted definition of 'natural'. We may say that any event that takes place in accordance with natural and scientific laws is natural. In other words, any natural event can be seen or perceived, and can be affirmed by a set of proved principles. Having said that, we cannot really set a parameter by which we can verify, for instance, the existence of God. Hence, the controversy remains when it comes to d raw a borderline between the supernatural and the natural. The Code of Hamurabi, laid down in the eighteenth century B. C., is a source of much historical as well as divine interpretation especially the way it is addressed to the Babylonian Gods. Elements of supernaturalism can also be traced in the Judeo-Christian tradition where the Ten Commandments enlist moral and religious duties to be followed to show obedience to the Almighty. This revered set of imperatives has been in use in many civilizations including the Roman and in the Middle-East. Egypt, the country of myths and mysteries, has innumerable supernatural elements to be explored. The Pyramid of Khufu, also known as the Great Pyramid, is a source of wonder for historians, scientists and archeologists alike. Many folklores and legends are associated with this gigantic and awe-inspiring construction. The preternaturalism is vividly depicted in the treatise of Herodotus: "[he] brought the country into all sorts of misery. He closed all the temple, then, not content with excluding his subjects from the practice of their religion, compelled them without exception to labor as slaves for his own advantage". (Tour Egypt, 1996) Evidences of supernaturalism are widespread in prehistoric cave paintings that have been found in many parts of Europe. Based on the timeline, these paintings are classified to three main epochs - Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Mesolithic. The literary significance of such art forms is of immense worth, considering how they have been preserving the essence of proto-European culture. The marvels of prehistoric sculpture are to be explored in the North European megaliths. Carved with symbolisms that substantiate physical and ideological beliefs surrounding the areas dwelt by the first Northern farmers, researches on the construction of megaliths have thrown light on the contemporary cultural and ritualistic landscape of the northern parts of Europe. The 'Emergence Myth' and the 'Creation Myth' carried by the Anasazi Symbolism are two of the most prominent religious structures from the New Mexico region. The 'Emergence Myth' tells about the sacred Spirits or the Kachinas, whereas the 'Creation Myth' is about the origin of the earth. (Granite School District Teacher Quality Center, 2004) The power of magic, divination and demonology was literally